Thursday 18 June 2009

The best gift

It's not a secret. In fact, it's sort of a plain cold truth. I can't sew.
Or at least I can't sew very well. My craftiness ends with knitting, crocheting and maybe some other simple things, like card making. I cannot sew.
But I know someone who can. My BFF is freaking amazing. She made me a quilt a few years ago that still blows my mind. She makes beautiful purses and curtains and all sorts of other things too. So I asked her to make me a needle organizer, because I have lost a few sets of needles recently and really wanted a place to put all of them and I knew she'd do a fabulous job. I'd fallen in love with them in my random etsy searches. She agreed (thanks!), and although I knew the outcome would be good, I just didn't know how good.

Isn't is beautiful? Isn't in the bestest thing for a knitter like me?
(She's also a way better photographer than I am, so go check out her blog for pictures and a description if you are interested.)

I only got it when I was at home on that vacation, so about a week ago, but already most of my needles have made the migration to the organizer. I'm still trying to figure out where to put my short crochet hooks and all of the circulars I have, but all I can say is: Love it.


stephchows said...

I LOVE the fabric! She did an awesome job!! People who can quilt amaze me... it's my goal to attempt a quilt this summer I think... I bet there wont be one straight line on it LOL :) Cant' wait to check out her blog!

Jeanne said...

Her quilts are awesome!! Check 'em out! She also made one for my nephew that is super cute.
I'd love to be able to quilt/sew, and I've thought about trying... I just worry I'd botch it horribly or make something really ugly and get frustrated. I guess it's about starting simple...?